02 July 2009

Long time Coming

So once again I have gone over a month without updating my blog. But I have very good reason for it this time. I have been flying pretty much every single day and when I am not flying I have to study my ass off for the next flight or sim that is coming up. When you start flying in the Navy, you fly your first seven flights with one IP, this phase is called your "on wing". This phase is really important because it lays the foundation for the rest of your time. The flights in your on wing time are also really long. We are up there for around four hours every time. The C-12 is pretty easy plane to fly. My favorite part so far has been the VFR pattern. For some reason I really enjoy landing. Another cool part about the navy training is that you get to do actual emergency procedures in the plane. We even shut down an engine in flight, twice! In the pattern they are constantly giving you problems like propeller failures, flap failures, engine failures, engine fires, and a whole bunch of other stuff that makes you have to be really efficient at handling emergencies in the aircraft.

This is me sitting in the observer seat while Doug and Capt Shearin are flying.

This is a picture of the engine shut down in flight. It really feels weird...

I actually had my last day contact ride yesterday and I passed my checkride. Now I am in the Instrument phase of UPT. Instruments and emergencies are pretty much the focus of this navy training. They want to produce pilots that can handle themselves in any situation in any kind of weather imaginable. The instrument phase takes up about 70% of the flights that we have in this program.

On the other side of things, Rachael and I celebrated our one year anniversary on the 28th. We went to San Antonio (really just to get out of corpus) and had a nice little leisure weekend. We hung out by the pool at the hotel, got Rachael a new bathing suit, ate a really nice dinner, and went and saw a chick flick after we ate. It was really nice just to be able to get away and relax. Our friends watched the dogs for us and that was nice as well. Rachael has been really busy making lots of new friends. She mainly hangs out with two or three of the local wives, but she is being mrs. sociable with about every wife on the base. She is constantly setting up outings and gym trips for all of the wives to go on so they aren't too bored while we are studying or flying. It is really nice that she is making our friends for us.

Well that is about it for now, until next time!

31 May 2009

Good Times

So, I get on to everyone for not checking on this thing and then I go two weeks without updating it....some blogger that I am. Here is what has been going on lately......

Since the last post I have been pretty busy. Actually having stuff to do everyday has been a big adjustment from the life of just laying around the house and thinking about what I could be doing. Academics is officially over now, and I went the entire period and only missed one question on the five tests that we took. I was pretty upset about that question, because if I had actually read the question I wouldn't have missed it. We start simming on Monday (the 1st) and right off the bat my sim partner Doug and I are scheduled to double turn (two events on the same day). That is going to be fun seeing as we don't really know what is going on in either sim or what we need to do to prepare. We have been just getting prepped for general stuff and learning our checklists. I think that we have those down pretty good, and I think that the sim should go pretty well. We have a little time in the middle to get ready for the second but hopefully their expectations aren't too high.

As for outside of pilot training, not much is really going on. Rach and I have just been hanging out a lot and getting stuff done around the house (except mowing the back yard). Seth got his wings last Friday and I went to go watch/party with him. It was a good ceremony but I spent most of the time being jealous because he is off to fly in the BIG AF. He is going to be stationed at Little Rock and fly C-130J's. That is the plane that I want to fly, but we want to go to Germany to do it. He is already out of Corpus at SERE training in Washington and will be back some time in mid-late June.
I was really trying to ramp up my training, with plans of a couple of triathlons and maybe a half marathon later this summer/fall. That was, until last Monday when I went to do my interval workout and I tweaked something in my right knee. It wasn't really bad at the time, but it never really got any better until Saturday. I have been trying to take it easy by not biking to work or getting any running in, but I don't think that I will have to be off of it for much longer. I think that I am going to move over to strictly biking this week just to try and work some of the stiffness out and keep up my cardio work. If this week goes well then we will start putting on the running mileage at the beginning of next week.

Well, that is really all for now. I swear that I will put pictures up sometime in the near future.
Thanks for reading!!!

15 May 2009

New Week

So, this has been a wonderful week in all ways but one. I am finally back in the swing of pilot training, I am in the middle of training for a couple of triathlons this summer, I am firing on all cylinders in all departments. The only thing wrong with this week was that Rachael has been gone for a whole ten days. This has officially been the longest time we have been apart since we got married. I know that is not very long, but it is another milestone in our first year. I have officially gotten back in the swing of "bachelor" status. I have cleaned the house, done the laundry, and cooked for myself for the entire time. I am super excited that she is coming back tomorrow night so that we can go back to sharing the load.
As for training, we have been getting back into the academics that go with flying. We absolutely flew through the advanced weather course in two days. We took the test and I kept my streak of UPT 100s at 1 in a row. Pretty sweet huh? We went right into Advanced Instrument Ground Training and that was pretty much another joke. The test was open book (anything you could carry in) and each question had the location in the material where it came from. That upped my streak to 2 in a row. Next week we move into a little more difficult material when we cover the systems and the Flight Rules and Regulations. The only reason FRR is going to be tough is because the Navy and AF fly on different sets of rules. We should hit the flight line about three weeks from next Monday.
I have also decided that I am going to compete in a few triathlons this summer. I am aiming for some that are in August and most of them are in the San Antonio-Austin area. My training is going fairly well. I have been kind of in re-spin up mode after my down time in Columbus. I am trying to convince Rachael to do some of them with me, but all I have been able to get her to do is go and swim with me some of the time. I am going to be trying for the Olympic distance which is a little longer than the one I did last summer.

Well that is it for now. I promise that I will be posting pictures over the weekend so check back on Sunday for some pictorial updates.

10 May 2009

To Mothers!

Today is a day where we take a moment to officially honor the person whom to many, may have the been the single most important person of our lives. While we grow older and develop into the people we will become, few people will have as large an affect on us as the one who brought us into the world. This day is celebrated in almost every country around the world and yet only one day of recognition can not even begin to do justice to the mothers that made us who we are today. I know that my Mom was the catalyst that made/makes me want to strive for greatness. My biggest wish is that I might meet or exceed the possibilities that she sees in my future. Without her constant encouragement, advice, and discipline I know that I would not have become half of the person that I am today. So, with this meager medium, I send out my greatest respect and thanks to all mothers (especially you Mom). Happy Mothers Day!

--"Without the mothers of the world, we wouldn't be around to use it." Rick

09 May 2009

Back in Business

Finally, after almost three months of sitting around with nothing to do but move I have finally gotten back into training. This is a pretty big deal because this is the last phase of training before I get my wings. The academics for navy training should be pretty cake, but the flying is the tough part of any training. We are going to knock out weather and basic instruments in four days. That is going to be pretty fast, but the faster we go here the faster we get into the airplane. I actually got appointed as our class leader because they misread my commissioning date and they don't want to change it on the roles. It is going to be nothing like the class leaders back in the AF, but it is still probably more work than the other guys.
In other news, let the countdown begin! It is officially one month until I get promoted. That pay raise is going to be pretty sweet, especially with as much money as we have had to spend lately.
I finally forced myself to finish Into the Wild and I have to say that book was one of the most irritating books that I have ever read. There really wasn't enough story to be a stand alone book, because they really don't know what was going on with McCandless for the years that he was wondering the country. So instead of just writing what they do know, they infuse the story with all of these other tales of people that charge off into the wilderness unprepared to "find" themselves. It almost seems as if Krakauer spends the entire book justifying this way of life to his readers. I don't want to call it hero worship, but it comes pretty close in my mind. I have now moved on to Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. So far this book is doing pretty well. I had no idea that Diamond was a biologist until I started reading, but his writing is very engaging (especially considering the topic).

02 May 2009


Rachael and I are officially members of the Texas State Aquarium. This is probably one of our top five purchases that we have made as a couple. It was only about 100 bucks and we get in free for the next thirteen months. Not only do we get in free, but we get to bring in two people with us for free every time we go. That is a pretty sweet deal.
We walked around the aquarium for a little while today with the total comfort that we didn't have to see everything because we could come back for free anytime we wanted to. That is a great feeling when it comes to these types of places.

I am now officially one week from restarting UPT (navy style). It has been 2 months and 12 days since I have flown an aircraft and that is entirely too long in my mind. It was nice to have this little break, but I have run out of things to do to fill up all of the time. I have read more books that I probably should have. Some of them were pretty good, but most of them were well below the average. I am pretty excited about getting to fly and learn to fly in a more complicated airplane. I am not looking forward to checkrides, tests, and five hour flights in 100+ degree heat. My anticipated "winging" date is October 9th. That is going to be a good day. And the best part is that it is only five months away. The biggest debate I am having with myself leading up to this Friday is whether or not I should convert the commuter back to a fixed gear for the morning commutes? I think that I am going to do it, just because I can and I haven't been taking advantage of that aspect of the bike in a while. I know that this is a pretty minor point to talk about in this blog, but nobody reads this anyways.

We are also going to visit Asbury Methodist Church here in CC for the third time. I am not sure how I feel about the church yet but I am hoping that tomorrow will kind of shine some light on whether or not we need to try some place else. That is one of the few things that I don't like about moving so much with the AF. It is tough to find a good church when you move. You really cant get established and involved with a church when you are only there for six months. I bet that we could do more if we tried but that is still something that we are working towards.

Well, that is all for now.
Current book: Into to Wild by Krakauer (I am giving it a C- so far).

26 April 2009

kind of a gripe

this post really isn't updating anything, i am just griping about a trend that is disturbing me....

Rachael and i went to a church today in corpus that was a pretty good church. they claim to have a really good/strong youth group, but you hardly ever see any of them in any of the services. the services are all contemporary and they are fairly well run services, but the youth are not involved in them at all except for a couple of Sundays every quarter. to me this seems like a waste of a great resource in a church, and it is one that i have been noticing for a very long time in many of the churches that i have attended. when you think of contemporary worship you think of youth and younger members of the church congregation. yet when you go to these services, more often than not the band that is playing all of the songs is all well beyond there middle age. this is a wasted opportunity to get the youth involved in the services in a way that many of them would like to. many kids in youth groups are some pretty talented musicians and this is a perfect chance to let them take some ownership in the church they attend. without a feeling of belonging they will just show up when their parents make them or if they happen to wake up early enough and they feel like listening to a sermon. I think that not nurturing your youth in all aspects of the church is an error that too many churches commit. They are fine with sealing the life blood of the church in its own part of the building where they wont disturb the financial blood (aka all of the old people) and still they can continue to claim a "strong youth program".

24 April 2009

new location

I will start this post off by apologizing to our avid readers for not updating this site in almost a month. I know that some of you depend on this for your weekly/daily entertainment and i will try not to let you down again.

Secondly, Happy Birthday to my lovely and beautiful wife! She is 24 years old today and doesn't seem to be a day over 23. She really is the best part of my life and I am truly happy that she is with me.

To the updating......

Since my last post we have been pretty busy people. Rachael and I have been trooping across the country (sometimes together, sometimes not) on our way to our new home in Corpus Christi, Tx (pictures to follow in the coming days). Rachael has actually been here for about a week more than me because the AF decided to send me to Pensacola, Fl so that I could be adeptly trained at how to survive in the ocean should I have to ditch my airplane in the water. She came to Corpus, found us a house, got our stuff delivered and mostly unpacked, all while I was off sitting in a one man life raft in the middle of the Pensacola Bay. She did a great job for handling her first move all by herself. I got here and have only had to do some minor unpacking and moving stuff around. Our house is a two story duplex that is about a stones-throw from the ocean. It is not the best beach in the world but at least we are near the water. This house is very similar to our house back in Fayetteville on Daisy Ln. We have one bedroom, one office-man cave, a living/dining room, a breakfast room, a garage, and a decent sized kitchen. We also have a fenced in yard with a covered patio. The house is really good for us and it suits our style. I will leave the rest of the house describing to Rachael on her blog.

Water survival was a pretty cool experience. We learned how to parachute out of an aircraft and survive on the stuff that you would find in a seat kit or survival kit on the aircraft. To do this, we parasailed twice, got hoisted up into a helicopter, and got to spend some quality time in a one man raft floating in the bay. I decided to pass the time in my raft by flying a spiderman kite. We were in the rafts for over an hour and it made the time go by a little better for me and the few guys around me who could see what i was doing. I left water survival and made the ridiculous haul of a drive to corpus on the same day. That was a really long drive, made even worse because it was through some really boring parts of Texas.

After getting to Corpus I got checked in and signed up for training. I am going to be flying the C-12 Huron and starting my training on May 8. All of the guys that I came down here with got in VT-35 together so that should be pretty fun. We almost had to start class the Friday after we got here, but we managed to talk the guy into letting the other arrivals take those spots and letting us have a chance to get settled into our homes. Because we got to wait for training the STUCON let us take some leave. As I write this, I am on the tail end of the leave that I took. We took ten days and went to go see my parents up in Fort Worth. We got to do some pretty cool stuff while we were up there. We went to the FW Zoo and the Dallas Art Museum to see the King Tut Exhibit from Cairo. It is really good to be back in Corpus just relaxing and hanging out though.

Well, that is really it for the updates, but i figured I would let everyone know about some books that we have been reading.....

I just read a book called Once a Runner by John L. Parker Jr. This has easily moved up into a tie for first place on my all time favorite book list with Ender's Game and Prodigal Soldiers. I would highly recommend this book for anyone that has run or competed in any type of athletics.

By suggestion of Rachael I read the Twilight series. I thought the books were actually pretty good, but they started slacking off towards the end. I think they lost their since of coolness and just started getting really crazy with the more and more make-believe stuff they added.

26 March 2009


So, we are going to Corpus. We are both pretty freaking excited about this little adventure. We are neck deep in getting ready to move. I am really excited to be living in a town with more things that I like to do. They have a triathlon club, indoor swimming pools, people that ride bikes, beaches, airplanes, the Texas State Aquarium, and a whole lot of other stuff that I am super stoked about. Not to mention that I am finally going to get to live back in Texas after almost six years of being gone. That is way too long for someone like me who really likes that state. Bill is pretty stoked too. He is enjoying his tour of the US, but both of our hearts belong in Texas. I am also really ready to get back to flying. It has been over a month since I have been in a cockpit. Flying has really made an impact on me. There is nothing like it on the entire planet. Well, I guess that will be it for today. More to come with the adventures of Water Survival and the move.........
This is a picture of me receiving one of my Top Gun awards

This is a picture of us waiting to be called up to find out what our track would be.

01 March 2009

Sunday Morning Reflections

So once again I am awake at 0500 on a Sunday morning. Not for any particular reason, it just seems that I cant seem to enjoy all the benefits that sleeping late has to offer. I guess that it is not that bad because it does give me a chance to update this thing from the last few weeks of activities.

The last time that you all heard from me, I was waiting to take my formation checkride and not that worried about it. Well I have since hooked my formation checkride (my score wasn't that bad) and passed my elimination check. We were the first ones in our class to check, and we were the first ones to fly in the kind of weather that we were having. They hooked me for a pretty vague reason (a hook none the less, but most people believed it wasn't the strongest reasoning it should have been). I went into a cloud after a maneuver by Lead and "did not act in an expeditious manner to ensure safety of the flight". Sounds really official and scary but in this case it means that I did exactly what I was supposed to. That is all in the past now, and hopefully it didn't have too much affect on what will happen in a week's time from now.......TRACK SELECT.

Track select is fast approaching and things are getting more exciting everyday. A few days after my elimination check I had my last to flights in the T-6. They were low levels and they were pretty sweet flights. They are pretty low threat, which means that there aren't really a lot of expectations from the IP. We basically just fly around at 500 feet for about half an hour and a very well prepared and very well used route in the local area. That is probably one of the more useful rides in pilot training for people who aspire to be C-130 pilots, because that is where a lot of time is spent in the Herc. I flew my last flight on Sunday the 22nd of February and it was a pretty neat feeling. The IP let me have a little fun after we flew the route. We went to an auxiliary field and shot some instrument approaches, and then we went back to the base and flew different types of patterns that I haven't got to fly in a while. Probably the most important part was getting to call "Texan complete" on my last radio call in a T-6. Not many people get to do that because of the way the system works, but because I landed when the tower was in control of the runway and not the RSU I got to call it. There is a good chance that I will be the only one in my class to do so. It was a pretty good landing if I have to say so myself.

Since that Sunday, I have been absolutely bored out of my mind. There is not much worse than being in pilot training with nothing to do. We have no idea what aircraft we are going on to next so we can't study, but we still have to be in the room for about half the day even though we cant fly. We do get some work done for track select (script, slide show, video) but there is only so much you can take. The worst part of it is that we are the senior class and we still have show times at 0500. We have been the only class in the history of pilot training (not a confirmed statement) to only show up after 7 o'clock twice in the entirety of phase II. We even have early show times for this next week, and we only have a total of seven student flights before everyone is T-6 complete. Enough on that. Track select should be a pretty cool day. We get to do lots of stuff that show the people who are important to us the kind of things we did everyday. They get to come in to the flight room and sit through a formal brief and stand up/ep. Then they get to tour all of the places that affect our daily lives (RSU, tower, RAPCON, etc). They also get to go into the simulators and see what it was like to fly the Texan II. The day concludes with the ceremony where they tell us what aircraft we are going to move on to. For some people it is not a nervous experience at all, but for others, there is a lot of hopes and dreams riding on what they get. I will be happy with anything, but I really really really want to go down to corpus.

In other news, it is snowing in Columbus. The average high for this last week was in the high sixties, and as i type this message we are currently getting a couple of inches of snow. Crazy. Here are some pictures since I haven't posted any in a while.

This is us out partying with the guys in Starkville

This is a picture (or several pictures) of our flight room. I found a program that makes panoramic shots out of picutres you have taken.

08 February 2009

The Final Countdown

So the time has finally come for my last few flights in the T-6 Texan. This week could be my last time to fly it, it will definitely be my last week of formation and my last checkride of this phase. I only have six total flights left including my checkride. I am getting pretty stoked about getting these last few rides knocked out because I am ready to move on to bigger and more complex aircraft. This final push will also let me have some much needed break time between phases. I could have as much as four weeks of down time with little more to do than read books and show up in the morning for attendance. I might even get to take some leave and go get in some great fishing somewhere down here in the south. I am trying not to get too far ahead of myself, this checkride is not going to be a gimme but I think that I can buckle down and focus on this for the next few days. Rachael will like having me T-6 complete because it will mean no more excuses for a while about my limited house work. I am also trying not to jinx myself about getting to go to corpus and train with the navy. I am still in a pretty good spot to have a good say in my aircraft destiny but stranger things have happened. I am pretty excited about seeing our entire drop. It will be cool to see what my classmates get. Some of them don't feel very strongly about what aircraft they fly, but there are some who know what they want and I hope that they get it. It will be interesting to see how it all shapes out. The other cool part is that the families will get to com in for a day and see what our normal day was like in this phase. They come in for a formal brief and stand up/ep. After that we all have a big breakfast that we prepare for everyone. Then they can take a tour of the different agencies around the base that really effect the flight training for the students. There will be a static display of a Texan and maybe the aircraft that we could move on to. The night concludes with Track Select which is going to be a pretty fun event. It should be pretty raucous and funny. We have been working on this for the last week or so, and we still have several weeks to get it honed out just right. When it goes down, the whole day should be a pretty fun affair. Well, that's it for now.....more after my checkride/last flights.

03 February 2009

Late Shows

There really isn't much to say about the last week or so. I am kind of getting slow rolled so that I can have at least the minimum required flights over the last twenty flying days. I have done a lot of sitting and waiting. The one time I was scheduled to fly, the runway was wet and the winds were out of limits. So, this morning I am sitting at the house waiting to go into work. Most of the flight showed up at 0530 but I have to wait until after 8 so that I can stay later and work in the RSU. That really sucks because I am basically going to sit around all day so that I can go sit in a little building and write down take off times for the younger classes. The nice part is that I wont have to go in to work until after 8 for the next couple of days.
In other events, we are getting closer and closer to track select. Every day that goes by gets me that much closer to actually have a little clearer picture of what is going to happen with the rest of my Air Force career. It also gets us that much closer to having an assignment that is going to last more than a few months. Not that I don't like the money we make off of being moved around, but it would be nice to have a place that we could actually live and get established in for a couple of years instead of just being "transients".

29 January 2009


So today I had my formation solo. This was probably the best ride of UPT. That was some of the most fun I have ever had in an airplane. I spent about an hour and a half ten feet from another aircraft, maneuvering through high and low G maneuvers and chasing them around the sky. There is nothing like going to max power and pulling as hard as you can into another aircraft that is 1000 ft off your wing, just to reverse the turn and put yourself into a nice rejoin position. I didn't have the best technical wing work today, but that didn't really matter because everything I did was safe and I more than made up for that with how well I did extended trail today. I got to do two sets of pretty high intensity sessions of extended trail. I got to take off as the lead aircraft and lead my wingman through a full profile. After the lead change, I got to do an abbreviated profile (there are a few things that you aren't allowed to do solo). It was pretty neat not having an IP in the backseat freaking out if you did anything that wasn't good. It was also pretty tiring not having anyone to back you up and search for the other airplane. Probably the best flying ever!!!!

25 January 2009


I have just spent an entire weekend wishing it would warm up so that I could get out on some nice long bike rides. But instead of doing anything else physical I managed to have one of the laziest weekends that I have had to date in UPT. I did almost nothing of note for an entire two days, and while I am a not pleased about not working out it was probably some of the best resting that I have done since July.
We went with a group of friends on Saturday and saw the new Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino. I was actually presently surprised at how good of a movie it was. I usually do not agree with critics, but this movie was actually a pretty decent flick. We went out to dinner with a few of our friends at this mexican place that had more items on their menu than any other place i have ever been to. It was absolutely ridiculous trying to figure out what you want when you have over 200 items to choose from. They should have just cut their menu in half and focused on making a few good items because i was not very impressed with my chimichangas.
Not really much to write about this weekend just really some bored ramblings.

21 January 2009

Good Day

Had an absolutely great day today. I absolutely love flying formation. It is the most difficult flying that we do, but it is the most invigorating thing in the entire planet. Flying ten feet from another aircraft and doing the things that we do is a life changing experience. Today, we spent a little time working on just staying in good position while maneuvering both planes at up to 90 degrees of bank. That is probably the hardest thing that we do and it shows, but even it is fun. Then we do some other formations that resemble some of the types of missions that other airframes actually do on the active duty side. The thing that we do that is the most fun is called extended trail. This type of flying is extremely physical and very taxing. We chase the other aircraft through some of the more difficult aerobatics while trying to maintain a "cone" of airspace around the back of the lead aircraft. We do loops, barrel rolls, clover leafs, cuban 8s, and alot of moves that just teach us to maintain a safe aspect angle to the other aircraft. Once you do all of this stuff following another aircraft you actually trade places and then you have to lead all the same things that you just went through. In many ways that is harder than flying in the wing position. You have to consider where you are in the working area and what is going on with your wingman. Today, I had an exceptionaly good day with flying and all of the little things that have to happen to make a great day. Formation really is the best flying we do around here.

20 January 2009

Inauguration and other things

So I actually got to come home today and watch the inauguration.....and I was not that overly impressed. I mean, how hard is it to look ahead by twenty or so minutes and actually pre-read the Oath of Office. I don't mean to speak poorly of the new president, but that is one of the little things that just strikes a chord with me. The rest of the world is watching hoping for a "great change" but this harbinger of change can't even get through the four lines of the Oath of Office. Just a little something that irks me a little........

Got back on the bike again today. This is the first day that I have ridden my bike in over a month. It has been ridiculously cold for being Mississippi and the weather just hasn't been cooperating. I think that I was probably the laughing stock of the base when people saw me, but man did it feel good to actually be out there and riding again. Now, if the weather would just warm up a little where I could actually get out on some longer road rides instead of just commuting back and forth.

Good Luck Rachael

Rachael has decided to branch out into the unknown and start her own blog. She will be sorely missed as her contributions offered our many readers a stark difference to my ramblings about flying and generally manly things. We here at Bike Pilot will follow her blog with great anticipation. Check her out at http://acclimating.blogspot.com

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our contributors:
1. RickW

19 January 2009

Finally Got The Laptop Back

This is the first post in a couple of weeks that I haven't made from my phone. It is actually nice to have a keyboard instead of trying to type on that small screen. Things are going pretty well here for me and Rachael. We are really in the groove of UPT and we are starting to actually have more and more time to spend with each other. I actually have time at night to help with dinner and do chores around the house instead of spend the entire night buried in books trying to learn how to do this flying thing. Rachael is not really enjoying her job very much but she is sticking it through until track select. After track select we will know more about the next six months or so and she will have a better idea about what she is going to be doing with her education/work.
My class is scheduled to track select (pick what genre of aircraft we are going to be flying) around the 10th of March. It seemed like that was really far off when we started, but time has flown and now we are almost there. I started off with 62 flights in the T-6 and now I only have 14 left. I am simulator and academic complete and that is a really good feeling. I have also done 3 of the 4 check rides that we have to do in T-6s. I only have to think about one kind of flying and that makes the days a lot easier to bear when you know they can only have you fly one type of sortie. These next few weeks leading up to track select should be some really fun weeks.
Rachael and I are really hoping the I get to track into T-44s (a navy trainer). If we got that we would be moving to Corpus Christi, TX for our next phase of training. That would be awesome. Rachael has been looking at school possibilities down in South Texas like TACC and a few others. I would love to go down there and train with the Navy. It is really a program where they treat you like an adult and expect you to get the work done at a pace that is suitable to you. Also, if we get T-44s there is about a 90% chance that we will go on to C-130s from there. C-130s are a good aircraft (although old, but what isn't these days) that do a lot of different kinds of stuff in some pretty cool and austere places. I would try to go on to just the regular variant of C-130s because they have better hours and locations than some of the special operations versions that are out there. If things worked out like we wanted them to, I would be flying the newer J model 130s and we would be on our way to Germany in a little over a year. Another good bonus of being in corpus is the central locations for some pretty decent fishing. I would love to live on the coast for a while and get some nice salt water fishing done on my time off. Maybe I can even get Rachael to like fishing a little..........yeah right!

Until next time!

11 January 2009


So now I am on to the next phase in my training. This is the phase
that makes the air force different from the airlines. We are flying
formation. I am not flying very often but when I am it is the best
flying we have done yet. We spend most of the flight about ten feet to
the side of another aircraft. It is absolutely one of the weirdest
feelings on the planet. We do all kinds of manuevering and aerobatics
in the ten foot position called "fingertip". We also do some exercises
in a position called "fighting wing". That is where we do a kind of
dog fighting and chase each other around the sky. It is absolutely one
of the coolest things I have ever done. I have only eighteen more
flights left in the T-6 and I am sim and academic complete. That is
about it for now.

03 January 2009

Long term update

So it has been another good while since I have updated this. Things
have been going pretty well around here for me and Rachael.

Since I last posted, we have been pretty busy. A couple of weeks after
thanksgiving I went cross country with about half of the guys from my
flight. That was a pretty interesting trip. We started off by flying
to little rock shooting an approach at the airport there. After that
we stayed in the air and followed the Arkansas river up to fort smith.
We got gas in fort smith and then we headed down to Alliance fort
worth. That place looked like a UPT base parking ramp because almost
every base that had a trainer had one there. We went out that night
and I got to see my good friend Caroline from the U of A. The next day
we woke up and the winds were blowing so hard (and forcasted to get
worse the next day) that we had to leave and go somewhere else. We
went to Nashville and went to a stars hockey game. The rest of the
weekend went pretty normal for a flying weekend.

After that weekend the flight commander decided that me and two
other guys were going to get sped up and do our instrument checkride
before Christmas break. Ordinarily that would not be a big deal, but
the weather would not cooperate. We sat and did not fly for almost a
week. We got to the point where if we didn't fly on a given day they
wouldn't have enough flights to check us. It ended up working out
where we all got to check the next to last day before the break. My
checkride did not feel like a
great flight but I don't think that they ever do. I ended up doing
very well and only getting downgraded on one item. Getting that done
means that I only have to worry about one block of training. I should
start formation on Tuesday.

For the break, Rachael and I decided to stay in the area and spend
some term together. We had a good Christmas and we got to spend some
quality time together. We also went to the NW Georgia area for thee
days. We did all the touristy stuff and we stayed in a great cabin
with a hot tub in the woods. We also had my birthday on the first. It
was a pretty chill day and I couldn't have asked for anything more.