26 April 2009

kind of a gripe

this post really isn't updating anything, i am just griping about a trend that is disturbing me....

Rachael and i went to a church today in corpus that was a pretty good church. they claim to have a really good/strong youth group, but you hardly ever see any of them in any of the services. the services are all contemporary and they are fairly well run services, but the youth are not involved in them at all except for a couple of Sundays every quarter. to me this seems like a waste of a great resource in a church, and it is one that i have been noticing for a very long time in many of the churches that i have attended. when you think of contemporary worship you think of youth and younger members of the church congregation. yet when you go to these services, more often than not the band that is playing all of the songs is all well beyond there middle age. this is a wasted opportunity to get the youth involved in the services in a way that many of them would like to. many kids in youth groups are some pretty talented musicians and this is a perfect chance to let them take some ownership in the church they attend. without a feeling of belonging they will just show up when their parents make them or if they happen to wake up early enough and they feel like listening to a sermon. I think that not nurturing your youth in all aspects of the church is an error that too many churches commit. They are fine with sealing the life blood of the church in its own part of the building where they wont disturb the financial blood (aka all of the old people) and still they can continue to claim a "strong youth program".

24 April 2009

new location

I will start this post off by apologizing to our avid readers for not updating this site in almost a month. I know that some of you depend on this for your weekly/daily entertainment and i will try not to let you down again.

Secondly, Happy Birthday to my lovely and beautiful wife! She is 24 years old today and doesn't seem to be a day over 23. She really is the best part of my life and I am truly happy that she is with me.

To the updating......

Since my last post we have been pretty busy people. Rachael and I have been trooping across the country (sometimes together, sometimes not) on our way to our new home in Corpus Christi, Tx (pictures to follow in the coming days). Rachael has actually been here for about a week more than me because the AF decided to send me to Pensacola, Fl so that I could be adeptly trained at how to survive in the ocean should I have to ditch my airplane in the water. She came to Corpus, found us a house, got our stuff delivered and mostly unpacked, all while I was off sitting in a one man life raft in the middle of the Pensacola Bay. She did a great job for handling her first move all by herself. I got here and have only had to do some minor unpacking and moving stuff around. Our house is a two story duplex that is about a stones-throw from the ocean. It is not the best beach in the world but at least we are near the water. This house is very similar to our house back in Fayetteville on Daisy Ln. We have one bedroom, one office-man cave, a living/dining room, a breakfast room, a garage, and a decent sized kitchen. We also have a fenced in yard with a covered patio. The house is really good for us and it suits our style. I will leave the rest of the house describing to Rachael on her blog.

Water survival was a pretty cool experience. We learned how to parachute out of an aircraft and survive on the stuff that you would find in a seat kit or survival kit on the aircraft. To do this, we parasailed twice, got hoisted up into a helicopter, and got to spend some quality time in a one man raft floating in the bay. I decided to pass the time in my raft by flying a spiderman kite. We were in the rafts for over an hour and it made the time go by a little better for me and the few guys around me who could see what i was doing. I left water survival and made the ridiculous haul of a drive to corpus on the same day. That was a really long drive, made even worse because it was through some really boring parts of Texas.

After getting to Corpus I got checked in and signed up for training. I am going to be flying the C-12 Huron and starting my training on May 8. All of the guys that I came down here with got in VT-35 together so that should be pretty fun. We almost had to start class the Friday after we got here, but we managed to talk the guy into letting the other arrivals take those spots and letting us have a chance to get settled into our homes. Because we got to wait for training the STUCON let us take some leave. As I write this, I am on the tail end of the leave that I took. We took ten days and went to go see my parents up in Fort Worth. We got to do some pretty cool stuff while we were up there. We went to the FW Zoo and the Dallas Art Museum to see the King Tut Exhibit from Cairo. It is really good to be back in Corpus just relaxing and hanging out though.

Well, that is really it for the updates, but i figured I would let everyone know about some books that we have been reading.....

I just read a book called Once a Runner by John L. Parker Jr. This has easily moved up into a tie for first place on my all time favorite book list with Ender's Game and Prodigal Soldiers. I would highly recommend this book for anyone that has run or competed in any type of athletics.

By suggestion of Rachael I read the Twilight series. I thought the books were actually pretty good, but they started slacking off towards the end. I think they lost their since of coolness and just started getting really crazy with the more and more make-believe stuff they added.