29 January 2009


So today I had my formation solo. This was probably the best ride of UPT. That was some of the most fun I have ever had in an airplane. I spent about an hour and a half ten feet from another aircraft, maneuvering through high and low G maneuvers and chasing them around the sky. There is nothing like going to max power and pulling as hard as you can into another aircraft that is 1000 ft off your wing, just to reverse the turn and put yourself into a nice rejoin position. I didn't have the best technical wing work today, but that didn't really matter because everything I did was safe and I more than made up for that with how well I did extended trail today. I got to do two sets of pretty high intensity sessions of extended trail. I got to take off as the lead aircraft and lead my wingman through a full profile. After the lead change, I got to do an abbreviated profile (there are a few things that you aren't allowed to do solo). It was pretty neat not having an IP in the backseat freaking out if you did anything that wasn't good. It was also pretty tiring not having anyone to back you up and search for the other airplane. Probably the best flying ever!!!!

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