11 November 2008

A day to remember

An inscription at the WWII memorial in DC

It's days like today that should cause every American to look back at where this country came from. Veteran's day, a day that salutes veterans serving in all wars, gives everyone a chance to look back at the beginning of this country and the ideals that we have upheld since its inception. Our system is not based on fealty, fear, or loyalty to some monarch/dictator. This country is THE democratic example that all nations should look up to. Since our inception we have come to the defense of those less fortunate, sometimes at the detriment to ourselves. This country has given freely of its valuable resources, including its most precious one, its sons and daughters. Do not let today go by without reflecting on the sacrifice of those that have protected this country and its citizens from all forms of tyranny. I would like to say thank you to all those who have served/died and given this country the freedoms that it sometimes takes for granted.
The largest flag ever airdropped.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I sent Veteran's Day cards to the VietNam veterans that I know, but I could not find one for a "future veteran". I guess we should celebrate active duty military on Armed Forces Day. Anyway, I am proud of my "future veteran".