18 May 2011

one week down

Well, to those of you that actually follow this thing, I have finished my first week on my first deployment. My crew and I have been flying about every other day, except when we have to go to stupid meetings about how to have a good deployment. We are doing lots of interesting stuff and some really boring things. All in all, it has been a pretty productive week. I am getting lots of working out in as we have a full 24 hours between flights most days. Hopefully Rachael is keeping up with me like she promised, but we will see. We spend a lot of time just sitting around reading when we aren't at the gym or flying. The food here is pretty much some of the worst food that I have come across. It is good enough to keep you alive but they can really butcher some of the simpler food (salad, burgers, french fries). Other than that, not much is going on. I will update again when I actually have something to say. Later folks!


Rachael Winfield said...

Hello? I am totally keeping up with you.

Caitlin said...

Rachael, I sincerely doubt that. No offense, but you're the one who told me you fell asleep in the middle of your workout last week. Oh... Busted.